Almost everyone I talk to these days experiences some kind of stress at work. It is natural to have bad days even if you love your job. I love my job and am so grateful to be where I am but it is not easy running your own business. I do everything by myself and right now do not have co-workers or staff to bounce ideas off of. That can be stressful at times to have to make all of the decisions by myself.

However, it does not take away from the fact that I love doing what I do and I love my schedule and the freedom of it. Let’s just say it would be so hard to go back to having a boss telling me what to do or how to do it. I have never liked that part— being told what to do. I realize most people do what they have to do to make a living and know we can’t all love our jobs.

To that, I say work towards your dream job even if you have to spend some time doing something you don’t enjoy. But be mindful when it may be time to leave for something better if you really hate where you are at. It is never too late to make a change! You have a choice.

When I worked in Human Resources, I used to love having my co-workers to lean on and support me when I had a bad day. Knowing what I know now, I would love to have had some simple reminders on how to get through those crazy work days when I felt like losing it! I was thinking of some ways you too could have some sort of stress relief and practice self-care at work.

self-care at work

6 Self Care Tips for Work

Make a checklist of tasks to accomplish

Take the time to prioritize your day each morning. List the top 3 things you want to get done that day. Try to tackle the most time-consuming task first and get it over with. Is it just me or does anyone else still love writing lists? I find it so satisfying being able to cross another thing off my list! The fewer thoughts clogging up my brain the better! In other words, writing stuff down is a good way to clear up your thoughts and stay organized as well.

Practice breathing techniques.

When you feel yourself starting to get overwhelmed, stop, and take a breath! I remember working in an office environment and feeling like I held my breath most of the day. When I would leave, I would always let out these deep breaths and sighs which was a sign that I didn’t really breathe a lot during the day.

Shallow breathing causes more anxiety. There are so many techniques so you need to find one that works best for you and your environment. I like to keep it simple.. breathe in through your nose for a few seconds and then blow out that air through your mouth. Try this a few times and it will calm you down and trigger the relaxation response of your nervous system. Here are some other styles of breathing you can try.

Take time away from your desk.

Getting away from your desk is a good practice to give your mind and body a break. Sometimes it’s hard to take a break but it is necessary to have that time to reset and be productive the rest of the day. Enlist some co-workers and go for a walk in the fresh air. If you don’t have time for that, then just get up and do some easy stretches at your desk to help break up your day.

Just move around and get the blood flow pumping! If you work from home, try to get out of your office and head over to another room in your house for a break or go outside for a while. You will feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Hopefully, you have supportive co-workers and an understanding boss. I know that’s not always the case. But if you feel overwhelmed with a project or the amount of work you have… say something! Professionally express your feelings and maybe you can get some help getting stuff done.

Share with a co-worker or boss that you feel overloaded. Talk about solutions and don’t just complain. You will most likely feel a little better expressing yourself and getting it off your chest. There are plenty of times I try to take on too much when it is not necessary or good for my health either. It is ok to ask for help!

Find a way to laugh at work.

This one is important. Laughing can change your attitude and whole mood about something. It switches you right over to that parasympathetic nervous system and helps calm you down. Find a couple of minutes every day to laugh by watching a quick funny video or read something amusing to you. It is so good for your body and mind to laugh every day!

Do a brain dump before you leave for the day.

If you can avoid it, don’t take work home with you. For example, write a list of tasks to clear your mind of work-related items. Then go home and have an enjoyable night and restore your energy for the next day!

What will you try to do to lessen the anxiety and stress of work? Try one thing this week and tell me how it goes!


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes