The Heart of Wellness

Author: Jill DeMasi Page 1 of 16

Managing Chronic Illness Through Movement: 10 Gentle Practices

Sticky post

Being active when you have a chronic illness is not always easy.  How do you manage your movement levels during a flare-up of pain or intense fatigue? Like many, there are days when you might not have the energy to exercise or move much at all. However, it’s essential not to spend the entire day inactive. From my training and experience, I’ve learned that lying around all day without any activity isn’t beneficial.

For those with chronic fatigue or Fibromyalgia, exercise might seem daunting as it can lead to flare-ups. While this is true, selecting the right type of gentle activity can help you avoid exacerbating your symptoms.

On days when we feel better, we’re often eager to be more active because we’re grateful for the extra energy. I hope you experience those days and appreciate them—they’re crucial for getting through!

Movement Without Suffering

Occasionally, on the good days, I still attempt HIIT workouts, which are high-intensity interval training sessions. However, I usually end up regretting it. When you have chronic pain, an autoimmune disorder, or any other condition, it’s crucial to choose your activities wisely.

There are numerous ways to stay active without experiencing post-workout soreness and fatigue, also known as exercise intolerance. It’s frustrating, but there is hope! Remaining inactive and immobile isn’t beneficial for your body or mind. Your body requires movement for circulation and to prevent your muscles and joints from becoming stiff, immobile, and inflexible.

physical activity, active

You’re the expert on your body and its limits. Yet, there are moments when a gentle push might be necessary. However, never feel guilty or pressured into doing something that could potentially harm you. Always consult your doctor first to determine what’s best for you. Remember, your needs may evolve over time and as you age. Having a chronic illness doesn’t imply that you can’t engage in any physical activity at all.

Explore gentler activities to enjoy the benefits of exercise and the boost in those feel-good hormones. This hormonal surge is crucial for coping with the daily challenges of a chronic illness. Start slowly, and I assure you, your mental health will improve with just a few minutes of daily movement. Additionally, you’ll likely experience increased energy and better sleep. Find new ways to stay active that don’t leave you feeling too fatigued or in pain.

10 Gentle Ways to Stay Active

1. Warmup Routines

If you’re not up for a full workout or if you’re experiencing discomfort, consider completing a simple warm-up activity to get your blood flowing. Every bit of movement counts! Nowadays, many people are exercising at home, and one excellent resource is YouTube. With thousands of options available, simply search for what you’re interested in, and a suitable video will appear. Consider subscribing to the channels you enjoy for easy access in the future.

Fitness Blender has a variety of warm-ups as well as other awesome workouts.

Rosalie Brown also has a good variety of gentle workouts for those days you just can’t handle more.


2. Walking

As I’ve mentioned numerous times before, I adore walking workouts. They’re gentle on the body and can be done conveniently at home or, even better, outdoors. The walking routines I engage in at home aren’t just about stationary walking; they incorporate various movements to keep things interesting. This allows me to navigate around my living room, and burn some calories, all without feeling fatigued.

My favorites that I stick to are Jessica Smith, Leslie Sansone, and Fabulous 50s.  A new favorite I recently found is Up to the Beat Fitness.  This trainer includes a variety of workouts besides walking and has some fun easy-to-do dance routines as well.  All of these trainers are very positive and always offer empowering messages during the workout.

3. Pilates

You’ll find plenty of free Pilates workouts online, but starting with beginner videos is best as Pilates can become challenging. This activity is excellent for strengthening and stabilizing muscles, enhancing mobility, and improving posture. Get prepared to elongate and tone your muscles with an invigorating mat workout. Here are some good options:

The Mindful Movement

Trifecta Pilates


4. Swimming

Since we got a pool, I’ve become completely obsessed with my pool workouts. Exercising in the water is fantastic because you feel weightless, which is gentle on your joints. Physical therapists often recommend Aqua therapy for injury rehabilitation, and it’s highly effective for relieving pain. Below, I’ve listed a couple of options with trainers who specialize in gentle workouts designed specifically for the pool.

FIIT with Stacey 

The Water Exercise Coach 


5. Stretching

If you’re unable to engage in other activities, prioritize a consistent stretching routine. Aim for 2 to 3 sessions per day, or even just once in the morning and once in the evening. Your body longs for flexibility, and stretching not only prevents injuries but also aids in the healing process. Additionally, stretching has mood-boosting benefits—something we could all use!

There is a variety of stretching routines that can be found online and even On Demand on your TV. I tend to look for videos with practitioners like physical therapists because they are trained and will offer sound advice.  Here’s who I like:

Ask Dr. Jo


6. Yoga

Certain forms of yoga can be incredibly nurturing and soothing for the body. Opting for a gentle yoga practice can be restorative and a highly beneficial aspect of your self-care regimen. The advantages include a more peaceful mind, enhanced flexibility, improved breathing, and a notable reduction in stress. These benefits make it a compelling activity for individuals with chronic pain.  Find a variety of workouts on YouTube as well as the many options online or pick up a DVD. Here are a couple I enjoy that have helped me.

Psyche Truth 

Yoga Burn 

yoga, balance

7. Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle, ancient Chinese exercise renowned for its slow, graceful movements. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, which aids in the healing process. Often referred to as “meditation in motion,” Tai Chi incorporates mindfulness practices that are known to reduce pain and anxiety. It’s an excellent option for a low-impact activity that involves deliberate, unhurried movements and focused breathing. Here are a couple of options to try:


David Dorian-Ross 

8. Biking

Riding a stationary or outdoor bike is a simple way to incorporate gentle, low-impact activity into your routine. Biking is joint-friendly yet provides a thorough workout, enhancing muscle tone and strengthening your legs. I prefer the recumbent bike with back support, as it feels more stable for my body.

If you’re considering purchasing a bike for your home but aren’t a gym member, it’s wise to research which type best suits your needs. Websites like Consumer Reports and fitness blogs can offer valuable insights into the latest trends. Here are a recommendations I’ve come across:

Stamina Fitness Benefits of Biking

Stationary Bike Benefits


9. Balance & Stability

Maintaining balance becomes particularly crucial with certain chronic conditions, as the risk of balance loss increases. Balance exercises are essential for individuals of all ages, providing a sense of control over one’s body. Beyond seeking physical therapy, there are resources available to enhance balance and stability, ultimately enabling you to remain active for longer. Here are a couple of options I discovered:

The MS Society 

Jenny McClendon 

10. Chair Workouts

Even if you’re unable to stand, you can still exercise from a chair. There’s always a way to engage in some form of activity! Search for chair workouts to explore the options available. Here are a few chair workouts that I particularly enjoy:

Has Fit 

Vive Health 

Depending on the day and your energy levels, there is an activity for you so you can participate in a self-care routine without feeling overwhelmed. Here is one more I recently found.  Gentle Workout for Chronic Fatigue.

Once you’ve received approval from your doctor, I encourage you to consider incorporating one or more activities into your daily routine. Amidst the challenges of battling chronic pain and fatigue, finding hope is crucial. Over time, even small amounts of activity can significantly enhance your quality of life and rejuvenate your mindset. Stay positive and cherish each day!

Feel free to explore my Shop page for recommendations on self-care products that you can use at home. Maintaining your physical self-care routine and staying in shape can be incredibly beneficial in managing chronic pain.


Be Well!

Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


15 Ways to Revitalize Your Sleep Routine

This page may contain affiliate links, meaning I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost. All opinions are my own. Please click my Amazon links to find everything you need for yourself and your family!


Quality of sleep affects our health. It impacts our physical and emotional health in both positive and negative ways. This time of year we tend to need more sleep. If you have a chronic illness or pain you need more rest to help heal your body. There are many natural ways to help. And if those don’t work, take a look at your lifestyle habits. You may be contributing to the disruption of sleep without even realizing it.

In addition, nutrition affects sleep cycles and brain waves. The biggest influencer is insulin levels. Eating too many carbs will raise insulin levels and then affect sleep.  Not enough rest will lead to an increase in adrenal hormones, affecting our immune system, digestion, brain function, reproduction, and other systems. It is all connected!

Exercise is the best method because it increases positive neurotransmitters that help the nervous system calm down and increase the chances of more restful slumber.  The environment affects how well we rest. Light, noise, seasonal changes, and other disruptions will affect the quality of nighttime routines.

Set Your Intentions

If you’re having trouble sleeping, you’re certainly not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from sleep deprivation!

First, set the intention of when you want to be in bed.  Stick to the same times during the week and on the weekend.  For example, if you want 8 hours of sleep and you need to wake up at 6:00, plan to be ready for sleep by 10:00.  This means you’ll want to start getting ready for bed by 9:30.

Note: If the following simple solutions don’t work for you, check with your doctor to see if they can find the root cause.  A functional medicine practitioner or naturopathic doctor may be able to find a good natural solution for you.

15 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

1.  Eliminate/reduce alcohol (these increase urination & cause restless sleep)

2. Don’t have caffeine within a few hours before bedtime

2. Turn off electronic devices 1 hour before bed

4. Finish eating a few hours before bedtime

5. Drink a calming tea like Chamomile in the evening

self-care, gift, sleep, therabox

This Therabox has all the necessities for a good night’s sleep!

6. Sleep in a dark room or wear eye covers

7. Set your bedroom at a cooler comfortable temperature

8. Exercise in the morning or early afternoon

9. Take a soothing hot bath at night

10. Listen to soft music or a guided sleep meditation to help wind down

11. Practice relaxing breathing techniques to calm down your nervous system instantly


sound machine, sleep

Sound machines are awesome tools to help you fall asleep!

12. Use a fan, sleep app, or sound machine for white noise

13. Relax with a good book before bed

14. Try Yoga or Tai Chi or stretching at night to de-stress

15. Write down a list of things you want to get done the next day. Get it out of your brain!


There are many studies out there proving the necessity of a good night’s slumber. Here are a couple of research studies about the science of sleep.

Science Daily Sleep Research News

Sleep Research on Mental Health

Revitalize Your Evening Sleep Ritual

Enhancing your overall well-being and embracing a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve your sleep patterns. Making simple healthy changes influences sleep quality and our body’s ability to rejuvenate.

Be patient with yourself as you implement these changes. It may take a few weeks before you notice improvements. Remember not to give up too soon; your body needs time to adapt. As the season invites us to cozy up, it’s an excellent opportunity to focus on refining your bedtime routine. Here’s to discovering more natural remedies for addressing sleep concerns!

Check out my Shop page for products I recommended to help with sticking to a consistent self-care routine at home!



Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach. She has a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only. It is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

pain relief

My Top Recommendations for Effective Pain Relief

Finding Effective Pain Relief

The moment when you find that one product or service that gives you pain relief is a wonderful feeling.  We all experience pain in our lives, some more than others. There are so many opinions out there about what the most effective pain relief is. It can get confusing. Everyone deals with pain differently and so what works for one may not work for another.

Living with chronic pain and Fibromyalgia makes finding the best pain relief a top concern.  The effects of repetitive movements from being a Massage Therapist over the last 2 decades have been a struggle and my cross to bear in life.  Over the years, I have tried an assortment of pain relief therapies, lotions, meds, natural supplements, and so on. So much money has been spent on finding the best options. Therefore, I decided to share what has worked for me in hopes that maybe you will also find some relief.

I continue to look for more ways to relieve pain. In the future, I will be sure to share them with you! Stay tuned for reviews of products, supplements, and other methods to help with pain relief.

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.

My Favorite Pain Relief Strategies

Massage Therapy 

I have been receiving massage therapy for over 20 years and I wish I discovered it sooner! It has been a lifesaver for me. It continues to help reduce aches and pains and boost my mental health. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I recommend someone in pain go every 1 to 2 weeks if possible to a qualified practitioner. This is my go-to for pain relief and stress management. 


To find a qualified Licensed Massage Therapist in your area visit the American Massage Therapy Association- AMTA website. Search for a therapist with experience in Orthopedic, Myofascial Therapy, Craniosacral, Neuromuscular, or Trigger Point therapy. Be aware of the “Deep Tissue” massage.  Some therapists may not have the skills or experience to work with people in pain. Always speak up and ask questions if you are feeling any pain before, during, or after a massage.

I also recommend using a massage therapy gun for at-home use – in between your massage sessions for consistent care. Click the below image to see the one I use at home practically every day! The round ball attachment is my favorite especially when I am in pain because it is a little less intense than the others. 

massage gun

Chiropractic Care 

Seeing an experienced Chiropractor is high on my list of pain-relieving strategies. It’s been about 20 years as well that I have benefited from chiropractic care. They specialize in working with the nervous system by adjusting the spine and joints. Therefore, the communication system in your body is not interrupted. Think about a garden hose being squeezed. The water will not be able to flow through the hose correctly. It’s the same with your nervous system. Your body will not function correctly if there is a misalignment in your spine or joints.


Typically at the beginning of treatment, you may have to go a little more to get your body into alignment. I find what works for me is going 2 or 3 times per month to stay in top shape. Ask your doctor or friends for a good referral or simply use Google to find one in your area.  Before making an appointment with a new doctor, I always research their background and try to find testimonials first for the best fit.

Daily Movement: Stretching & Foam Rolling 

I know some days you may not feel up to doing anything. With Fibromyalgia sometimes there is no extra energy to do simple tasks.  However, it is this daily movement that will give you back some of that energy. 

Flexibility is extremely important as we start to age especially if we experience pain. There are many benefits of stretching and movement to keep our bodies flexible and functioning at their best. Keep moving daily to reduce pain and stiffness in your joints. And if you are not able to exercise simply take a gentle walk.


Foam Rolling is a great way to work on those restricted muscles and is another form of myofascial release. If you are new to foam rolling click here to watch a professional video about the basics. Start slow and take your time!

Best to consult a doctor first if you have any injuries that may be affected and contraindicated by any of these movements. I avoid a lot of discomfort from just a few minutes per day of foam rolling.

Check out this awesome foam rolling set!

foam roller, massage stick, stretching strap, foot roller ball


Daily Guided Meditation & Mindfulness 

Getting quiet gives your nervous system the break to renew your energy and reset. Part of managing stress and pain is to allow your body to relax and hopefully get a little reprieve. I have a hard time sitting still and meditating on my own does not work for me. Therefore,  I listen to guided meditations and short bedtime stories that do the trick.

Another way to calm down is to listen to your favorite sounds like ocean waves. It is a simple and natural way to unwind and also helps with falling asleep.

Mindfulness meditation is a useful technique to help cope with pain and is scientifically proven to change brain waves for a positive outcome.

My go-to apps are Calm and Breethe. Working on changing your mindset goes a long way in coping with pain. Try them out and let me know how guided meditation works for you!


The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Remedy: 24/7 Relief & Recovery Cream 

Over the years, I have spent so much time and money trying to discover the best topical cream to use for my aches and pains. As both a patient and a Massage Therapist, I have used a variety of different lotions and creams with some relief.

I am happy to share that I have found the BEST and most powerful pain relief cream available.

Developed by chiropractors, 24/7 Relief & Recovery is made with all-natural ingredients and delivers quick relief for pain and inflammation.

This product is so amazing. I brought it into my practice for my clients and they love it too! Click here for more info on this exclusive topical analgesic for muscle and joint pain, arthritis, sprains plus a lot more. It is only sold through healthcare practitioners. 

pain relief

My favorite pain relief cream of all time!

Bonus Strategy!

Hot & Cold Therapy Packs

Using a heat or cold pack consistently is extremely helpful to recover from pain. Ice is usually recommended in the first 48 hours of an injury and can also be helpful for chronic pain. Heat packs are great when feeling stiff and having a limited range of motion. I usually recommend both when experiencing a chronic pattern of pain.

I love these packs because they are good for hot and cold therapy. Click the image to see my favorite packs.

hot pack, cold pack, gel pack

Hope for Pain Relief

That wraps up what I find to be helpful personally for pain relief. As always, consult your doctor before you try any new regimens because everyone has different needs and levels of pain.

Having chronic pain can make life extremely difficult but have HOPE! There are ways to cope with it and make life, not such a struggle. The trick is to keep going and not give up and surround yourself with people who get you and understand.

Allow yourself to accept help and most importantly share your struggles with a loved one or medical professional. There is plenty of help out there. Be brave and move forward to live your best life. You can do this!

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.

-Thich Nhat Hanh-

For more recommendations on self-care products for home care, visit my Shop page!




Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

12 Essential Self-Care Gifts Everyone Needs

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own.


Happy Holidays!  These gift ideas will help you bring joy and peace to your loved ones.  Below are some easy and thoughtful gifts to give your friends and family that will help them with their self-care goals. Click the images to see the full item description and then just shop!

Therabox Slumber Box with 8 Wellness and Self-Care Products

self-care, gift, sleep, therabox

Active Deep Tissue Percussion Massage Gun with Carry Case 

Foam Roller Set – High-Density Back Roller, Muscle Roller Stick, 2-foot Fasciitis Ball, Stretching Strap, Peanut Massage Ball

foam roller, massage stick, stretching strap, foot roller ball

Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Gift Set 

essential oils, diffuser

Thick Workout Resistance Bands with Door Anchor

24/7 Relief & Recovery Cream for quick and natural pain relief

Heated Fleece Blanket Throw with 6 Heating Levels

heated blanket

Shiatsu Compact Foot Massager with Heat

foot massager, heat


Homedics SoundSleep White Noise Sound Machine with 6 Relaxing Nature Sounds

sound machine, sleep

 Reusable Hot & Cold Gel Pack for Pain Relief

hot pack, cold pack, gel pack

Positive Mindset Workbook


Massage Therapy Gift Certificate


Wrap It Up

Keep it simple this year and choose a memorable gift of self-care for your loved ones.  Gifts of self-care are always a favorite because many people don’t take the time to do it for themselves. Happy shopping!


Jill DeMasi

Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at


Spotlight Series: Why Hire a Certified Fitness Trainer?

This is the first post in my Spotlight Series where I will be interviewing a variety of healthcare practitioners about their craft and how they make a difference in the community and people all over. Stay tuned for more interesting chats on the blog!

Think about your current FITNESS level.  Do you know what it’s like to move at your fullest potential and operate at your highest energy level?

Your overall well-being is affected by many variables including your physical fitness, emotional capacity, environment, connections to others, and what you put into your body. All of these are extremely important to look at when you are trying to accomplish wellness and most of all avoid sickness and injuries.

My first spotlight chat is with a certified fitness trainer, Ali McRae, who is actually one of my massage therapy clients.  We talked about her philosophy and discussed her training services that help people of all ages aspire to a different level of wellness.

About Fitness Professional, Ali McRae

No photo description available.

Ali has an extensive background in dance, gymnastics, and diving.  From a very young age, she realized the importance of movement and how it affects performance in sports and in life.  She went through a yoga certification program and learned all about mindfulness and how movement affects the mind, body, and spirit.

Through the years, she met inspiring people who encouraged her to continue her education and become a trainer.  Her journey led her to become a certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  She has studied under the top trainers in New York City.

Over time, Ali has added many other training techniques to her repertoire as well as mind/body practices to enhance the experience for her clients.  Her holistic approach is backed by many certifications including being a Corrective Exercise Specialist. She offers a complimentary 30-minute session to discuss your fitness needs and to figure out if you are a match for her training program.

My favorite part of training clients is helping each of them to feel in touch with and in control of their bodies.



Types of Training Offered

Ali is trained to work with many fitness modalities and has extensive knowledge of a variety of exercises to meet your goals.

  • Yoga – Vinyasa, Bikram, and several healing movement therapies
  • TRX  Suspension Straps – portable straps for a great bodyweight workout anywhere
  • Silver Sneakers- specialized training for clients over 65 years old
  • Strength & Conditioning for athletes and all types of clients
  • Balance & Body Awareness
  • Mindfulness and breathing practices

Check out her YouTube channel, Fully Fit by Ali,  for some free content. Here’s a great calming video with some awesome stretching techniques!

I’ve worked with many different clients of all ages, body types, abilities, and setbacks – all of whom leave their sessions feeling better than they entered!

trx training

Benefits of Fitness Training

Reaching wellness goals and helping clients move to their fullest potential is the number 1 goal in Ali’s book. We discussed some of the hundreds of benefits exercise offers and here are the main benefits she thought were important to mention.

  • Increased range of motion in joints and flexibility
  • Improving sleep which is a top stress management tool
  • Developing body awareness
  • Regulating moods and powerful mental health support
  • Increasing strength, stability, stamina
  • Weight management

Through years of dance, gymnastics, springboard diving, and yoga, I learned how important movement is for the mind, body, and spirit.

Contraindications of Fitness Training

Ali conducts a comprehensive medical history with all of her clients and discusses any medical conditions and illnesses that may affect the client’s ability to participate in training.  She is very knowledgeable about special populations and has the experience to help those clients who have injuries and suffer from chronic conditions.

Her training has prepared her to modify any exercise to suit the client’s needs. A huge benefit of working with certified professionals is that they are able to watch their clients and correct any improper form during training sessions.

Safety and pain-free movement are my main priorities, so I’m adamant about clearly demonstrating proper form and checking in with how my clients feel during an exercise.

Conditions Helped with Personal Training

Ali has worked with many types of injuries and has experience with rehabilitation from surgeries, cancer survivors, and even traumatic brain injuries. She works with physical therapists to ensure the client has the best possible care after experiencing an injury. Ali also loves to help beginners set up a workout program that is realistic and motivating.

  • Weight Management and Fat Loss
  • Problems with Balance
  • Cognitive issues
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Spinal injuries

What To Expect

Ali is able to work with clients no matter where they live with virtual sessions on Zoom.  She also is available to visit clients’ houses in the Southern Connecticut area as well and in some cases will come to your own gym.

I generally begin with Self Myofascial Rolling and active/dynamic stretching techniques before activating specific muscle groups.

Expect sessions with Ali to be fun but challenging. She is not the drill sergeant type but is very effective and patient if a client has special needs or an injury. She is more than competent to work with all levels of clients from beginners to high-level athletes. Her low-impact workouts don’t need to include jumping or high-impact exercises if that’s not what you are interested in.

Ali customizes each workout to meet your individual goals.  You don’t even need to buy all of that expensive equipment if you don’t want to. She recommends using household items like soup cans and water bottles that work just as well as weights.

I’ve attended lots of different workshops in the past few years pertaining to myofascial release, bodywork, pilates, barre, meditation, stretching techniques, and the list goes on.

Who is Your Ideal Client?

Ali loves to work with all ages and mostly works with the female population but does also accept male clients as well.  She has trained people from the ages of 20 to 80 years old. No matter what age you are, she can develop an effective workout plan to help reach your fitness goals.



How often you see a trainer depends on what your goals are. It also depends on your budget as well. For self-motivated clients, Ali suggests getting in 1 training session per week with a trainer.  For those who need more support, she advises setting up at least 3 training sessions per week.

Cost & Length of Sessions

Depending on the type of training session, Ali’s 60-minute virtual session is $75/hour and the in-person session is $100/hour. She does also offer a 30-minute session for people who can’t work out too long or have special needs.   She offers multiple session packages for clients who like to save a bit of money per session upfront. This is advised to keep clients on track and motivate them, even more, to stick to their plan. Prices vary between the different lengths and styles of sessions and would be discussed in the initial complimentary assessment.

Contact Info

personal trainer

Fully Fit by Ali Faceboook



Reach out by email – to book your complimentary fitness assessment today!

personal trainer


Having a personal trainer to support you on your wellness journey is highly recommended for so many reasons.  Healthy movement and being connected to your physical body will help you reach your wellness goals that much faster.

If you would like your energy levels to improve, manage your weight and prevent injuries, consider hiring a personal trainer to help you move to the next level of fitness.

You are worth the investment!


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.

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