Some Insight on Illness

Another one of the brilliant courses that I took at The National Institute of Whole Health (NIWH) was with well-known surgeon Bernie Siegel who has been a pioneer in mind-body healing for decades. This NIWH media course provided insight into what factors are important to become aware of when dealing with illness. I recommend looking into his books as well as the research he has done on mind-body healing. When

I need a positive reminder of the power of healing, I refer back to one of his best-selling books “Love, Medicine & Miracles.” Because there was so much info discussed in the NIWH course, I am going to share a little at a time. These insights from Dr. Siegel are worth paying attention to and consider as he had extensive experience with patients who suffered from illness.

This course opened my eyes to realize the effects of our emotions and our environment and how they impact our health sooner or later.


Six Factors of Illness to Consider

1. A lack of parental love

Receiving love from a parent or not is a major factor that does contribute to whether or not someone gets a disease later on in life.  Saying I love you and making sure kids feel like they belong and are safe are essential to their health. Teaching them about self-love and loving others is a powerful tool in preventing disease as well as helping them become well-adjusted adults in life.

2. The lack of personal fulfillment

Enjoying life and living in the moment are also powerful tools in healing and avoiding disease. Dr. Siegel says do what makes you happy and not worry what anyone thinks of you. You always have a choice so if something doesn’t make you happy like work- either change your attitude about it or make a change.

3. The lack of being valued

Feeling loved and appreciated by your parents and others that you were exposed to growing up. Feeling a sense of value has an impact on health and how well you would cope with a chronic disease and your chances of healing from it.

4. The lack of being heard

Being listened to is very important for people because it helps us to feel important and worthwhile.

5. The lack of being seen

A sense of contributing to society and making a difference in other people’s lives has proven effects on living a longer and healthier life.

6. The lack of being accepted

Feeling a sense of belonging in life with family, friends, and co-workers is highly beneficial when it comes to our health. We need to feel like we a part of something.

Siegel, B. (20) Living With Illness NIWH media course.

What are some of your thoughts on what contributes to illness and disease? I hope you find this info as helpful as I did in your journey of health and well being. Until next time, much love and hope for brighter and healthier days ahead!


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.