There are many origins of disease in the body.  Functional medicine philosophy is finding the root causes of disease.  Let’s look at additional roots of illness I learned about in my NIWH course presented by New York Times -bestselling author, lecturer, and practicing physician Mark A. Hyman, M.D. Each of these can be explored separately in the future because there is just so much more information to know and understand. In case you missed it, here is the first post about the Roots of Illness.

4 Causes of Disease

Gut and Digestive Health

Gut problems are the most common reason that people go to the doctor. Problems in the gut are usually connected to some other underlying issue in the body. The digestive system’s job is to keep out the bad bacteria and let in the good healthy nutrients. If there is damage in the digestive tube then the nutrients cannot be assimilated and absorbed.

Bacteria in the gut have many purposes which include digesting food, producing vitamins, regulating hormones, excreting toxins, and making healing chemicals. Diseases can arise with unresolved issues in the gut.

An excess of allergic foods like wheat, corn, dairy, soy, eggs, yeast, bacteria, and parasites are damaging to the intestines because they are all inflammatory.

A leaky gut is when toxins, foods, and bacteria leak into the bloodstream and then cause illness. A low fiber, high sugar processed food diet will cause this to happen.

Toxic Load

Toxins create a burden and eventually cause break down in the body over time.

Being exposed to mercury, mold or other chemicals weaken the immune system and overload the liver which is our detoxifying organ.

Lack of activity will slow down blood flow, circulation, and lymph flow so that toxins will remain in the body and not be eliminated.  Lack of sleep and constipation will also slow down the elimination of toxins and is harmful to your health. Therefore, an abundance of toxins can most definitely result in the disease process. 

prevent disease

Creating Energy

Our bodies need energy consistently throughout the day so that our cells and organs can work appropriately.

The mitochondria are the place in the cell that burns food and oxygen to make us energy. This area is easily injured by toxins, infections, allergens, stress, and eating too many calories.

It affects our metabolism and can quickly lead to burn out, make us age more quickly and feel tired and also produce aches and pains. Exercising in a smart way helps to create more energy otherwise it is just another negative stress on the body. Not getting enough nutrients – vitamins, minerals, water, oxygen all affect our energy production.

Mind-Body Connection 

Our attitudes, social network, community, and spiritual beliefs all have a role in affecting our biological systems. In other words, the body affects the mind and the mind affects the body.

Imbalances in hormones cause digestive issues, depression, anxiety, degenerative, and other chronic diseases. As well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, food allergies, and heavy metal toxicity.

There is a chemical reaction when we have a thought or emotion and it gets communicated to the rest of the body and can cause both positive and negative physiological consequences.

For instance, changing your thoughts, relaxation techniques, good sleep patterns, and building a solid social network are all ways to balance out the mind and body. 

Hyman, M. (2032) Functional Medicine NIWH media course. The Seven Roots of Illness. Retrieved from

Make Healthy Changes & Prevent Disease 

It is good to take into consideration all of these roots of illness.  Above all, prevention is the key to avoid disease.  Tell me what are some ways you can make some healthy changes in your life to avoid aging and disease?


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.