Tips to Combat Anxiety While Traveling

Just returned from a quick trip to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina with my boyfriend. Traveling always intensifies my anxiety although I love to see new places and enjoy going on vacation. I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel over the years but have not yet been to my dream place… Italy. In the meantime, I do my best to get away a couple times per year to an island or somewhere in the United States. There is so much to see right here in our beautiful USA!

Anyone who has Anxiety knows how you can feel about traveling. I put a lot of pressure on myself to have enough energy and to feel good on vacation. There are a lot of anticipatory anxious feelings about leaving home and going to an unknown place. Here’s just a sampling of the thoughts that go through my head… will I feel good enough to participate in activities, am I going to have any pain, what am I going to eat that’s not going to bother my stomach, am I going to be social enough, happy enough and not moody, will I have any anxiety attacks while on vacation and in front of other people? And hundreds of other thoughts. Who knows what I am talking about? It can be truly exhausting.

In the past, I have felt pretty good on vacations. Just being in a different environment and not having the daily responsibilities to worry about lowers my stress level quite a bit. It seems to depend on my emotional state and the circumstances in my life. The hope is to just have a small break from the chronic pain and low energy levels I feel most days. Unfortunately, I did not feel good for most of this trip to South Carolina. I tried not to let this get me down. But it was hard not to especially since I waited so long for a get away. There was a desperate need to get away from daily living and chores like laundry, cleaning the kids rooms and house and also my work. I needed a change a pace and scenery and alone time with my partner in life.

What I realized is that I just need to be grateful for the opportunity to get away and reset. We have had an intense couple of years and were not able to do much of what we wanted. So self care is high on the list for the rest of this year! My expectations are always high when I vacation for some reason. I was disappointed that I didn’t feel my best and that I had to take antibiotics which always make me feel more anxious and moody and really flares my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Anyone else experience issues when you travel? I know I am not alone in this. Maybe it will help if I share some tips of what I do to keep my anxiety at bay while traveling.

Tips to Combat Anxiety While Traveling

Lower your expectations. Part of anxiety are those nagging anticipatory thoughts that build up in your head that are not true and most likely will never happen. Mind over matter (the use of willpower to overcome physical problems) is a powerful anti-anxiety tool and it works! Train yourself to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones. It takes practice!!

Be prepared. Have a plan for yourself if you feel anxious. Whatever works for you. Make sure to have that essential oil, your vitamins and prescription meds, Tums, your meditation app and so on.

Tell whoever you are traveling with your feelings and express your emotions. More than half the time, once you talk about your anxious feelings they will go away. Hopefully you have a supportive partner to travel with and talk to!

Distract yourself. Usually when we are involved in an activity we don’t have time for those anxious thoughts to overwhelm us. Keep yourself busy and just enjoy the time you are away. Remember to breathe!

Stay off electronics. Too much screen time increases anxiety. Put your electronics away and take in what is around you. I promise you will notice a lot more in nature and your surroundings if your head isn’t buried in a device. It will also improve your relationships and deepen your connections.

Try not to stray too far from what you normally eat or drink. It is no fun being hungover or having digestive issues when you are not at home. Enjoy some extra treats but don’t overindulge!

Traveling is amazing but can be stressful so try to find the good in everything and enjoy the break from everyday life. Comment with some of your own tips for traveling with Anxiety. Enjoy the journey and not the destination!


Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes


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  1. Yes, I get anxiety when traveling too, but I do love visiting hte the beach. I feel like walking on the sand is very grounding for me, and I always feel better if I’ve been walking in the ocean. I hear it has magnesium and electrolytes in it, so I don’t know if that’s why, or if it’s just because I’m able to relax. Yes, eating out is usually stressful. I try to always have something with me. We also try to rent condos with at least a fridge and microwave, so I can have some safe food that I can heat up available in case restaurants don’t have save food.

    • master_admin_

      Hi Noelle! I love the beach too and it is so calming for me. Yes having a fridge while away is so helpful so I don’t eat too badly! It is so nice to get away for a change a pace.

  2. Joanne

    Great tips for those that encounter anxiety while traveling!

  3. Jen

    I do experience anxiety when I travel – mostly related to what If a medical emergency arises while we are away – esp when traveling out of the country. Great tips.

    • master_admin_

      Thank you! I know how that feels because I have experienced sickness on vacation many times. Hope it helps!

  4. Great tips! I do not really struggle with anxiety since I lowered my expectations ad learned to be in the moment it helped me to learn to enjoy travel more!

    • master_admin_

      Thank you! I am happy that you have learned to enjoy the moments! Such a powerful lesson.

  5. This is a great post because not a lot of people take into consideration that traveling can be very stressful. Thank you for the information.

    • master_admin_

      Thank you! Cheers to those who don’t have to deal with anxiety 🙂

  6. Lisa Manderino

    I hope you get to go to Italy one day! It amazing but I can see how it would invite anxiety. It would probably be best to go with a tour group.

  7. My husband definitely has anxiety about trips! One thing I try to do to help him is to not really have an “itinerary” but more or less like one goal per day to keep our plans flexible and low key. Then, we usually fall into our own rhythm and discover new things as well.

    • master_admin_

      That’s a great idea. Sometimes it’s hard to not have a plan but I can see why being flexible helps too!

  8. Great tips! If I could leave my kids at home I think I’d be anxiety free, LOL.

    • master_admin_

      That’s so true…hahaha! We did go without the kids and I still got anxious!

  9. Traveling is stressful for all and exasperated to a higher level I’m sure for those with anxiety issues. Thank you for sharing your tips for those in need!

    • master_admin_

      You are welcome! It’s good to have little reminders along the way 🙂

  10. Lee Anne

    I’ve got the anxiety bug as well. Thank you for sharing these tips to help combat it.

    • master_admin_

      Your welcome! We all need to stick together and help each other out 🙂

  11. Great tips for regular travelers! Love the “lower your expectations” tip hahaha! I guess people who only get vacations once or twice per year are indeed anticipating it so much that a little set back can totally ruin it! Traveling with your kids can be even more stressful! so your tips on travel and how to deal with anxiety are very handy. thank you

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! Yes, there is so much pressure to have a great time when you don’t get away a lot. I am hoping to change that soon! I think everyone should get away every few months to not lose their minds.. especially when you have kids 🙂

  12. Thank you for the tips. I have bad anxiety also, and I don’t travel as much as I would like. But I need to make sure that I know all the details of the trip from the step of leaving the house to walking in the front door. And I make sure to not over plan the day. Sometimes I need to get back to a quiet place where I can be by myself and regroup. If I am around people for too long I get so drained and fidgety.

    • master_admin_

      I know exactly how you feel! I need my space too after being around people for too long. I hope you can find the courage to do more traveling because it can be really relaxing and a good break from everyday life. You can make great memories to reflect on when you feel anxious 🙂

      • One thing was anxiety never stopped me from traveling. Now it is health issues that I am working really hard to combat. I just made sure I did everything I needed to do beforehand to fight the anxiety. If I let that control me, then I would never get anything done, lol.

        • master_admin_

          Isn’t that the truth! It takes a lot of effort to not let it take over 🙂

  13. Rachel

    Oohh…I never thought about staying within normal eating habits….interesting. This was really informative. ?

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! It does help if you have stomach issues. Don’t get me wrong… I do indulge as well because life is too short 🙂

  14. Great tips! I usually have anxiety leading up to the trip but then calm down once we are there.

  15. Tiffany

    These are all great tips – especially lowering expectations and not changing up your diet too much! That is usually my downfall!

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! It is so hard to stick to healthy eating to begin with… then when I am away I want to cheat way too much!

  16. I just love Myrtle Beach. Fortunately the last time I went there I was feeling really good! But I’ve had those vacations where I really wasn’t feeling well, like a trip to Nashville and Estes Park, CO. It was so hard to not feel well in such cool places. I have multiple myeloma, so I never know how I’m going to feel on any day. IBS comes with the daily chemo, and the fatigue can be overpowering. I’m heading to Texas at the end of this week to visit my girls. I’m so hoping to feel well. Regardless, I’ll enjoy the beautiful weather and company of my girls. I understand anxiety and traveling so much!

  17. Cynthia

    These are great tips for people who experience anxiety while traveling. Thanks for sharing.

  18. The food when we travel can be rough if I don’t stay somewhat close to what I’m used to. I’ve learned over the years to be smart….usually. 😉

    • master_admin_

      I know how you feel! I love eating on vacation but have to reign it in before it get outs of control! 🙂

  19. I hope you go to Italy one, let someone help you plan it, that will reduce the stress. Choose one city (I suggest Florence), and do little day trips if you want to explore. Do some guided tours, and don’t put pressure on yourself to see it all, just enjoy all that is available in this amazing city!

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! I definitely will get some help when planning that trip 🙂

  20. Great advice here. Tried to choose which I likes liked best, but I like them all. All good, sound advice. The process of shedding anxiety on a vacation is complicated, but it can be done. And you give great tips for getting there. Great post!

    • master_admin_

      Thank you! It is complicated but it always helps to remember those anxious feelings will pass 🙂

  21. jen

    Good information for those that get travel anxiety

  22. Kristen Usrey

    I love this! You’ve got a lot of really great tips here! Having loved ones with me always helped calm my anxiety down.

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! I agree having someone around to help take your mind off those anxious thoughts helps a lot 🙂

  23. I have battled with anxiety when I travel and it mainly has to do with eating different foods and not feeling well because of it. I now plan ahead more and have had better success with it. I bring my normal breakfast and stay away from foods and drinks that I don’t normal consume at home.

    • master_admin_

      I know how feels! Yes being prepared is definitely at the top of my list when I travel 🙂

  24. Tara

    These are really great tips regardless of whether or not you suffer from travel anxiety. I’ve learned over the years of traveling with my 3 young boys to significantly lower my expectations for daily adventures and try to eat/drink what I do at home. Makes for a much smoother vacation for all!

  25. Reading your article was like you were with me on my last trip. I like what you said about “Too much screen time increases anxiety”. I had not thought of that. I was using it as a distraction last time but it wasn’t working. I ended up closing my eyes for awhile which eventually worked. Thanks for post!

  26. Lisa

    Great tips and suggestions! I’ve learned to overcome my anxiety by just going with the flow! I tell myself, “everything happens for a reason.”

    • master_admin_

      So true! I believe that too and it is always better to go with the flow 🙂

  27. Communicating how you feel is important! Great tips!

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! I always feel better after letting it all out and expressing how I feel 🙂

  28. Melanie

    Anxiety has ruined a few vacations of ours. Ruined night be a little harsh, but before we knew what we were dealing with it felt so overwhelming. Sticking to a regular diet and schedule are big!

    • master_admin_

      I totally know how that feels! Yes, it is best to stay close to what you normally eat and having some kind of plan 🙂

  29. I used to get anxiety when I did anything alone…including traveling. However, one time I took a leap of faith for some strange reason and extended a work trip to sight-see. Terrified but it all worked out and now my anxiety has shifted to working too much, too long….

    • master_admin_

      Good for you extending your trip! I know work can take over but remember life is short and you have to try to enjoy the days while you can 🙂

  30. These are awesome tips for the anxious traveler! Thank you!

  31. I get anxious when traveling as well. It’s hard to overcome but your tips are good sound advice. The lowering your expectations is really hard but very accurate.

  32. I have had issues with travel anxiety before and it is definitely something that can be very challenging. I only recently was able to travel without feeling the constant freak out.

  33. Christina Furnival

    Great list for those with traveling anxiety. I liked the size lf the list as well so they dont feel like there’s a million things to master.

  34. I am a huge believer in mind over matter. I have found that I can think myself into a state as well as think myself out of one.

    • master_admin_

      I agree mind over matter is very helpful when dealing with anxiety and with pain.

  35. I don’t have anxiety about traveling however your tips are great for all travelers. I too adhere to my normal healthy diet, which is plant based, when I travel. It’s essential so that my energy and wellbeing are maintained.

    • master_admin_

      Thanks! I try my best to stick to my diet too. I just feel better that way!

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