acts of self love

10 Acts of Self Love

What do you think of giving yourself just as much attention than you give your loved ones?  I have said it thousands of times that if you don’t care for yourself before others, you are sure to succumb to the daily pressures of life. Stress will get to you one way or another. Self-love seems selfish and smug. Guess what- it’s not! Yes, are there people who behave like narcissists and are self-serving? Of course but that’s not what I am talking about and hopefully, that’s not you.

After all, this doesn’t mean that you treat yourself better than others. The trick is to love and care for yourself as much as you care for other people in your life. You know the saying you can’t love someone fully until you love yourself. This is especially hard for mothers. They are called to be nurturing, caring, and serve everyone else before themselves.

“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
– Louise L. Hay

What is Self-Love

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of self-love is an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue. If you appreciate yourself with a loving attitude then you will be happier and healthier in life. Growing up you may not have had the best examples of love in your life. Maybe you didn’t learn how to love yourself through your home or school environment.

Self-love can be taught and it is possible to love and appreciate yourself even after experiencing trauma. Sometimes this comes with age. Although, the best time to learn about self-love is as a child. It is so crucial to a child’s mental health to know about self-love. I believe we are all God’s children and his love for us is pure and unconditional. God also wants us to care for ourselves and spread love to others. It would be harder to do this if we don’t love ourselves.

Sometimes, we can look to others for love. There’s nothing wrong with this. We need to equally accept love and give love.  However, you need to love yourself first to have a healthy relationship with anyone else. Otherwise, it can turn out to be an unfulfilling and dependent relationship and that’s not healthy for either partner.

self love

Why Self-Care is So Important

Although I was given plenty of love growing up, I tend to be hard on myself and not like some things about my personality or my body. There are stages in life that self-love is really strong and times when you need an extra lift. Having a practice of regular self-care helps tremendously!

Realistically, we can’t always focus on ourselves. But what we can do is find time to recharge and renew our energy daily. Caregivers must do this so your health isn’t stolen away from you too. Our health depends on feeling strong both mentally and physically and when we love ourselves that will be easier to accomplish.

10 Acts of Self-Love

Alone Time

Having some quiet time will help you get to know yourself a little deeper. Think about 3 things you can do in your alone time that can help you develop a stronger sense of self-love.

Evaluate The Negative Influences

Are there negative people or bad habits in your life that destroy your positivity and make you feel stressed? List out a few of those and commit to eliminating those negative influences if you can.

Take Care of Your Body

Choose some physical activities that you enjoy doing and commit to a regular schedule. What brings you joy– walking, running, lifting weights, yoga, pilates, biking. Go for it and release those happy hormones!

Forgive Yourself

Be honest and authentic with yourself. Are there things you have done that need forgiveness? Write down a few things that are on your heart that you need to let go of.

Pamper Yourself

You are worthy of a little relaxation every once in a while! Think about your favorite ways to kick back and indulge. My favorites are taking a bath and going for a massage 🙂 Here are my top 10 self-care practices.

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Make a Self Love List to Review Daily

Daily reminders of why you are special and worthy of love. Ask yourself some of these questions. What are your best qualities? What are you good at? List some things you have done for others.

Meditation & Prayer Daily

Sitting quietly in mediation or prayer is a powerful experience and lowers stress instantly. Deepen your connection and uncover new ways to appreciate yourself. Pick a saying to focus on like…

“I love myself, respect myself and accept myself as I am”

“I deserve a happy life full of love”

“My life is abundant and full of joy”

Respect Yourself

Surround yourself with people who treat you with love and respect. Take care of your body, mind, and spirit. Don’t allow anyone to disrespect you and tear down your confidence.

Nurture Your Talent

Seeking artistic expression is a way to practice self-love. Do you like to paint, draw, dance, sing?  Making time to be creative helps us to feel child-like and free at that moment!

Be Kind

When your heart is full of love it will overflow to other people. Attract good people into your life when you love yourself. Committing random acts of kindness will spread love into the world and will make you feel fabulous! Overall, we reap what we sow.

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, cares enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”
– Jean Shinoda Bolen

Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


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  1. Great list of things to focus on. I think that there is a balance to understanding true self-love and that once filled, you can openly continue to care for others. Its a good thing. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great post! It is super important to take care of others but before you can take care of your loved ones properly you need to take care of yourself first! So many people neglected themselves and you can definitely tell one someone is neglecting taking care of themselves.

  3. Tiffany Smith

    I definitely need to add some of these to my repertoire! I need to work a bit more to find time to pamper myself and have a creative outlet 🙂

  4. All good suggestions to build a morning or evening routine around.

  5. Simple but important tips. Self love can be so challenging to achieve but these will help!

  6. Lisa Manderino

    These are all so important. We need to take care of ourselves so we can help other too!

  7. Elaina

    Beautiful list. I think we all tend to neglect ourselves from time to time. We all deserve to be happy ?.

  8. Jordan

    Thank you for this list. Great reminders. I especially need to remember the forgiving yourself and being kind.

  9. I love these tips. I have to do physical activity/exercise or I feel like I just drag thru the day. And alone time is rare for me, so when I have it, I try to be productive. But I should focus more on self love during that alone time!

  10. These are all great acts of self love! I should do better to practice them, maybe rotate through different ones!

  11. We have to take care of ourselves in order to take care of others. I love the idea of giving someone permission to nurture their own talent. So important, as well as forgiving others and ourselves.

  12. As I get older, and have given so much of myself to others, I realize how crucial self-care is. I recently heard how self-care isn’t selfish because when we give to ourselves, we’re usually more apt to be able to give to others. So taking care of ourselves really does benefit everyone.

  13. I love the evaluation of negative influences. There are so many things these days that influence us and we don’t even realize it. Just a different world with mini-computers in our hands.

  14. So much truth here! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Suz

    I’ve been making my own sugar scrubs, and moisturizers with orange essential oils, (and diffusing it too) – and using them A LOT,and that is very soothing to me.

  16. Jane

    Great tips about self care. Sometimes when we’re too busy we tend to forget about caring for ourselves. Love this post.

  17. Tiffany

    These are so important to remember – and I think we have forgotten some of these during these last few months. Thank you for the reminders.

  18. Yes! You are so right! Why do we tend to place ourselves last on the list with no time left over for ourselves daily? This I will work on!

  19. Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life

    Wonderful reminders that if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we cannot be available for those we love.

  20. How often we forget to take care of ourselves….Self care, so important for or well being. Informative post, took notes to add some to my existing list. Thank you

  21. Marianne

    Hmmm… never really considered nurturing a talent tonne self love… but it really does make a lot of sense!

  22. Denise

    This is a great list to help to learn how to take that moment to recharge your own battery, it isn’t being selfish it is simply being smart. Thanks for sharing! ??

  23. Cindy Mailhot

    Taking care of yourself is so important. Especially as we enter into the holiday season.

  24. What great tips! Self-care is so very important! I can’t wait to share these on my blog and brick and mortar mental health practice FB pages this week!

  25. Cindy Moore

    This is the perfect self love list. It’s so important to pamper ourselves and love ourselves. Sundays are my self love/self care day.

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