
How to Disconnect & Be Present

Do you ever try to disconnect and be totally present? These days it is hard to feel present in this technological age. You have to make a concerted effort to not be on some kind of device. So how many different electronic devices do you own? It is safe to say that most of us have a smartphone, an iPhone, iPad, or Kindle. We are constantly connected whether we like it or not.

What kind of impact do you think this has on our health– mentally and physically? There has been a lot of research on the effects of electronics and our brains. Many studies have shown the harmful effects this constant connection has on young adults.

There has been an increase in anxiety and depression in our society and technology plays a role. This is not to say that everyone should throw out all devices. However, it just means we need to be more aware of the usage and put limits on it especially for our younger generations. Learn how to disconnect.

Detox Your Digital Life

The next tip from my Stress Solution Coaching program is to Detox Your Digital Life.

While it is nice that we have the ability to be connected to the entire world and all the knowledge we want with the click of a button — it can become a habit and take our focus off real life and also destroy personal connections.

Do you find yourself perusing your social media accounts when you’re bored? Have you ever jumped online to look up one thing, and an hour later, you’ve found yourself still scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed? We have all fallen victim to this. A digital detox, however small it is, can serve you tremendously. Try going offline and disconnect for a few days.


Some Steps to Disconnect

Clean out your e-mail account.

Do you have a ton of subscriptions cluttering your inbox daily? Take time to unsubscribe from unwanted emails, clearing out old ones that are unnecessary for you now, and even making folders and putting an organization system in place in your email account.

Cut down on your time online.

Yes, this means taking a little break from Facebook and Instagram! I promise you really won’t miss anything too important that will affect your life in any way. In fact, you may just find that you are even more mentally clear and positive without those distractions.

Make a plan to only check your phone at certain times of the day.

Just because someone texts you doesn’t mean you have to get back to them in the next few minutes. I know there are some exceptions but really most messages can wait until later. Figure out your most productive time of the day and plan to answer texts and emails then.


Have a digital curfew.

Research shows we should stop using electronics at least 2 hours before bed because it will affect your brain and the quality of sleep you get. Choose whatever works for you even if it is only 30 or 60 minutes before bed.

Be present.

Use this downtime to do the things you truly enjoy. For instance, exercise, pick up a new hobby or spend more quality time with your loved ones. This will quickly become way more enjoyable than scrolling through your Instagram account! Less time with your head buried in your phone will increase your mood, quality of life, and health.

Now put your phone down, go outside and CONNECT with others and nature. I promise you will feel so much better 🙂

What is one way you can slow down and become more present in your daily life?


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at www.AtTheHeartofWellness.com.

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


A Few Tricks to Simplify Your Calendar


How to Detox Your Relationships


  1. I totally agree with this! Unplugging and being present has become a lost experience for some! I think getting a massage and spending time meditating helps you connect with your body and your mind! Mindfulness is so important! Thank you for the great tips!!

  2. This is so important to do. We only have the present, we might as well enjoy it.

  3. Lee Anne

    A digital curfew is a great idea! Thanks for sharing your tips!

    • master_admin_

      Thank you! I find it to be great for the kids as well.. but sometimes hard to pry them off the electronics!

  4. Thanks. I stay off social media on the weekends. I need to clean out my email inbox.

  5. Tricia Snow

    I choose to make a conscious effort to do this! Thanks for the tips!

  6. Digital detox is totally needed with me pretty regularly! It causes me to be a lot more distracted, I feel. Great tips – I am going to experiment with 30 minutes of no screen time before bed and see how that goes. 🙂

  7. Great advice and tips my family and I need to apply!

  8. We are so busy as a society and I think we feel like we are going to miss out on something if we don’t have our phones in our hands. I am guilty more than I should be. My husband and I have no tech nights and we also don’t have our phones out on our date nights. It’s awesome!

    • master_admin_

      That’s a great idea, Karen! I’m going to try that on our next date night 🙂

  9. Lisa Manderino

    Great Advice! I need to clean my email out it is out of control!

  10. Jordan

    I need to be better about this. It’s hard when I do things I enjoy on my devices these days, like reading. But this is a good reminder to limit these things at least a bit.

    • master_admin_

      So true. I love reading on my Kindle but need to not do it too close to bedtime!

  11. Karla Petersen

    I totally agree with this. I use long hot baths every dayo or two…relaxing and no electronics in the water!

  12. Totally agree…we all fall prey to screen overload. My yoga & meditation practice keep me on point as well.

    • master_admin_

      That is great Suzan! Having a routine of downtime helps us to stay on track 🙂

  13. Ellen Mika Zelasko

    This is a wonderful idea. I’m going to institute a curfew for myself!

    • master_admin_

      Thanks. Good for you.. let me know how you feel after doing it for a while 🙂

  14. Great post. I need to focus on this more for sure!

  15. These are all great steps! I like that you called it a digital detoz because that is what it becomes for so many of us!

  16. The steps to disconnect are so important
    yet very hard to do. If I spend time ‘cleaning’ out my email, generally by organizing and unsubscribing from what I think is ‘SPAM’, it takes a long time and I also find myself working on things that I have left for too long.

    • master_admin_

      I also get distracted when I clean out my e-mail! I try to do it once per week so it doesn’t get too overwhelming. I also delete stuff every day that looks like junk mail.

  17. Excellent suggestions! And I REALLY need to do something about my emails…

  18. Lisa

    I like the idea of only checking the phone a couple of times per day… great idea

  19. Tara

    I completely agree with taking breaks from technology! It can be so important to set aside times to be on the phone and not.

  20. I’ve been trying to give myself a digital curfew as well. Not being online for at least an hour before bed, helps me sleep better.

    • master_admin_

      I sleep better too when I don’t watch TV or look at my phone before bed. Helps to read a book in bed because that always makes me sleepy 🙂

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