pain relief

My Top Recommendations for Effective Pain Relief

Finding Effective Pain Relief

The moment when you find that one product or service that gives you pain relief is a wonderful feeling.  We all experience pain in our lives, some more than others. There are so many opinions out there about what the most effective pain relief is. It can get confusing. Everyone deals with pain differently and so what works for one may not work for another.

Living with chronic pain and Fibromyalgia makes finding the best pain relief a top concern.  The effects of repetitive movements from being a Massage Therapist over the last 2 decades have been a struggle and my cross to bear in life.  Over the years, I have tried an assortment of pain relief therapies, lotions, meds, natural supplements, and so on. So much money has been spent on finding the best options. Therefore, I decided to share what has worked for me in hopes that maybe you will also find some relief.

I continue to look for more ways to relieve pain. In the future, I will be sure to share them with you! Stay tuned for reviews of products, supplements, and other methods to help with pain relief.

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.

My Favorite Pain Relief Strategies

Massage Therapy 

I have been receiving massage therapy for over 20 years and I wish I discovered it sooner! It has been a lifesaver for me. It continues to help reduce aches and pains and boost my mental health. As a Licensed Massage Therapist, I recommend someone in pain go every 1 to 2 weeks if possible to a qualified practitioner. This is my go-to for pain relief and stress management. 


To find a qualified Licensed Massage Therapist in your area visit the American Massage Therapy Association- AMTA website. Search for a therapist with experience in Orthopedic, Myofascial Therapy, Craniosacral, Neuromuscular, or Trigger Point therapy. Be aware of the “Deep Tissue” massage.  Some therapists may not have the skills or experience to work with people in pain. Always speak up and ask questions if you are feeling any pain before, during, or after a massage.

I also recommend using a massage therapy gun for at-home use – in between your massage sessions for consistent care. Click the below image to see the one I use at home practically every day! The round ball attachment is my favorite especially when I am in pain because it is a little less intense than the others. 

massage gun

Chiropractic Care 

Seeing an experienced Chiropractor is high on my list of pain-relieving strategies. It’s been about 20 years as well that I have benefited from chiropractic care. They specialize in working with the nervous system by adjusting the spine and joints. Therefore, the communication system in your body is not interrupted. Think about a garden hose being squeezed. The water will not be able to flow through the hose correctly. It’s the same with your nervous system. Your body will not function correctly if there is a misalignment in your spine or joints.


Typically at the beginning of treatment, you may have to go a little more to get your body into alignment. I find what works for me is going 2 or 3 times per month to stay in top shape. Ask your doctor or friends for a good referral or simply use Google to find one in your area.  Before making an appointment with a new doctor, I always research their background and try to find testimonials first for the best fit.

Daily Movement: Stretching & Foam Rolling 

I know some days you may not feel up to doing anything. With Fibromyalgia sometimes there is no extra energy to do simple tasks.  However, it is this daily movement that will give you back some of that energy. 

Flexibility is extremely important as we start to age especially if we experience pain. There are many benefits of stretching and movement to keep our bodies flexible and functioning at their best. Keep moving daily to reduce pain and stiffness in your joints. And if you are not able to exercise simply take a gentle walk.


Foam Rolling is a great way to work on those restricted muscles and is another form of myofascial release. If you are new to foam rolling click here to watch a professional video about the basics. Start slow and take your time!

Best to consult a doctor first if you have any injuries that may be affected and contraindicated by any of these movements. I avoid a lot of discomfort from just a few minutes per day of foam rolling.

Check out this awesome foam rolling set!

foam roller, massage stick, stretching strap, foot roller ball


Daily Guided Meditation & Mindfulness 

Getting quiet gives your nervous system the break to renew your energy and reset. Part of managing stress and pain is to allow your body to relax and hopefully get a little reprieve. I have a hard time sitting still and meditating on my own does not work for me. Therefore,  I listen to guided meditations and short bedtime stories that do the trick.

Another way to calm down is to listen to your favorite sounds like ocean waves. It is a simple and natural way to unwind and also helps with falling asleep.

Mindfulness meditation is a useful technique to help cope with pain and is scientifically proven to change brain waves for a positive outcome.

My go-to apps are Calm and Breethe. Working on changing your mindset goes a long way in coping with pain. Try them out and let me know how guided meditation works for you!


The Ultimate Anti-Inflammatory Remedy: 24/7 Relief & Recovery Cream 

Over the years, I have spent so much time and money trying to discover the best topical cream to use for my aches and pains. As both a patient and a Massage Therapist, I have used a variety of different lotions and creams with some relief.

I am happy to share that I have found the BEST and most powerful pain relief cream available.

Developed by chiropractors, 24/7 Relief & Recovery is made with all-natural ingredients and delivers quick relief for pain and inflammation.

This product is so amazing. I brought it into my practice for my clients and they love it too! Click here for more info on this exclusive topical analgesic for muscle and joint pain, arthritis, sprains plus a lot more. It is only sold through healthcare practitioners. 

pain relief

My favorite pain relief cream of all time!

Bonus Strategy!

Hot & Cold Therapy Packs

Using a heat or cold pack consistently is extremely helpful to recover from pain. Ice is usually recommended in the first 48 hours of an injury and can also be helpful for chronic pain. Heat packs are great when feeling stiff and having a limited range of motion. I usually recommend both when experiencing a chronic pattern of pain.

I love these packs because they are good for hot and cold therapy. Click the image to see my favorite packs.

hot pack, cold pack, gel pack

Hope for Pain Relief

That wraps up what I find to be helpful personally for pain relief. As always, consult your doctor before you try any new regimens because everyone has different needs and levels of pain.

Having chronic pain can make life extremely difficult but have HOPE! There are ways to cope with it and make life, not such a struggle. The trick is to keep going and not give up and surround yourself with people who get you and understand.

Allow yourself to accept help and most importantly share your struggles with a loved one or medical professional. There is plenty of help out there. Be brave and move forward to live your best life. You can do this!

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.

-Thich Nhat Hanh-

For more recommendations on self-care products for home care, visit my Shop page!




Jill Ciampi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Certified Wellness Coach with a passion for helping others manage Stress, Chronic Pain, and Anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


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  1. Great suggestions and I love how you have mindfulness included in this list 🙂

  2. Charlene

    I am so grateful I don’t have this problem, but I know so many people who do. These are some good suggestions. I’ll have to send this link to my mom. Maybe she hasn’t tried some of them?

  3. I have a good friend with chronic pain. I’ll definitely pass along these ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you so much for your tips and advice! t can be hard when you don’t feel good to think about things that can help!

  5. This is such an important post! I exercise exercise quite a bit, and I don’t stretch or recover as often as I should. I plan to practice some of the strategies on this post. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am so interested in learning how meditation can help with pain. I’m fascinated by people who can control pain with their minds. I have heard that people can acknowledge the pain but separate themselves from it. Working on that one …

  7. I love the chiroprator it always helps me with my pain.All are great ideas for pain relief.

  8. Meditation and guided imagery as gotten me through a lot of pain. I also love the Chinese fire cupping. I have circulation issues and my massage therapist thought we should try that, and wow talk about affective. I was able to walk straight for the first time in months after a couple of treatments. As well as not have freezing feet and fingers anymore!

  9. Katie

    I discovered the benefits of massage therapy years ago and wish I still had the time and money to do that weekly!

  10. Suzan

    Great suggestions! I utilize natural pain relief options as well prior to any over the counter options. Including turmeric, dandelion salves etc.

  11. I’ll definitely have to share this with my mother. She suffers from chronic back pain. Thank you for this post.

  12. Yes, I have a massage on my legs every month. I also see a chiropractor once a week or so. I am a runner and I need to keep my injuries at bay. I also strength train, stretch and foam roll. It is the only way I can keep running the miles.

  13. I do most of these also for back and neck pain. I also have a CBD/menthol lotion that helps.

  14. Great info! Thanks for the picture of what to do with the foam roller. I have one, but have no clue what I should be doing with it. haha

  15. Lisa Manderino

    Love all these ideas, I prefer them to other ways

  16. Movement and stretching has always been so important for me! I started seeing a chiro and an acupuncturist for the first time last year and that has been helpful too!

  17. Thanks for the video on how to use the foam roller. I had purchased one, but wasn’t really sure how to use it! I will try to take time to relax more as well. That is a great tip. I have a hard time relaxing, but I know I need to do it.

  18. I use chiro, stretching and essential oils. Great tips!

  19. Great tips! I lived with chronic pain for 22 years. Massage was the only thing that helped a little bit. Changing my diet relieved the pain. Amazingly no one in the medical community ever suggested that diet might provide relief.

    I want to try a foam roller! I’ve never used one before.

  20. I miss going to a chiropractor. I’m not even sure why I’m not seeing one right now.

  21. Awesome suggestions! Massage therapy is life changing!

  22. This is sooo important, especially for some of us getting….older or more mature (ha). I foam roll 1-2 times daily. Workout hard with 5 days a week and then walk several miles on the other. So good to do that but it makes one sore. This was great to see all the ways to manage the pain. Thanks!

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