self-care routine

Master Your Self-Care Routine in 8 Simple Steps

How To Master a Self-Care Routine

Sticking to a self-care routine is not so easy but it is possible with some help! Having some balance takes practice and will not happen overnight.  In addition, different stages of life bring circumstances that may need to change how you practice self-care. No one is judging and if they are don’t listen to the haters. Do your best and create a life that you can become the best version of yourself.

There are many different approaches on how to practice self-care. I like to make things simple. None of us have the time to waste. Simplifying life is part of any stress management plan. I hope you can figure out what works for you and add some self-care into your daily routine!

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Self-Care Routine Basics

Below are 8 simple steps that all self-care routines should attempt to accomplish. I will briefly describe what each of them means to me from my experience and training as a certified Wellness Coach.

In all of my posts and coaching programs, there is the main theme of the overall picture of health. These include the Physical, Emotional, Nutritional, Environmental, and Spiritual components of health. Having an understanding of each piece will help you manage stress and create an awesome self-care routine that is sustainable.

self-care basics


Stress Management

Being able to cope with the stress that comes up in life is a major factor in maintaining your health. It is essential to commit to some kind of stress management plan and include stress relief techniques in your self-care routine. Without a plan, you will be sure to feel anxious and overwhelmed and not be able to bounce back from daily struggles. Don’t let things snowball out of control. Hot tip- take a break from electronics to lower stress dramatically.

Self-Care To Do’s:  Write down some ideas to manage the stress that works for you.  Hire a friendly and experienced Wellness Coach. 🙂

Express Your Emotions

The emotional aspect of wellness is just as crucial as the others. For every thought or emotion you have, there is a physiological response in your body. The mind/body is connection is powerful so you want to make this one a priority. Be kind to yourself in your thoughts and actions. A positive mindset is an influential skill to achieve.

Self-Care To Do’s: Daily affirmations, Journal, Seek out a therapist, check out the Positive Mindset Workbook.

positive mindset

Love Yourself & Others

Love is a very powerful healing tool! Self-love is important and it is not selfish to think of your own needs. In addition, being in service to others and your community is a great way to forget about your troubles. God has called me to be in service to others and it has been one of the greatest joys of my life!

Self-Care To Do’s:  Schedule alone time, create a pampering checklist, volunteer, or get involved in community service, forgive someone.

Feed Your Spirit

I can’t say enough how my faith has helped me overcome anxiety and depression many times in my life. Whatever you believe in that is positive and helps you manage stress… do more of it! I miss going to church every week but I do set time aside to watch it on TV or online. It is the highlight of my week and boosts my mood and fuels my soul. Peace be with you all!

Self-Care To Do’s:  Guided meditation or prayer daily, positive devotional reading, listen to a spiritual or motivational speaker.

self care gifts


This step has a lot of meanings. Cleansing your mind and body is always part of a good plan. Having some control over your environment is helpful as well. For instance, straightening up, cleaning, and organizing your work and home spaces goes a long way in maintaining self-care.  My anxiety levels always rise when my home is not clean, cluttered, or disorganized. Therefore, I always feel so much better with an organized and clean house!

Self-Care To Do’s:  Use non-toxic cleaning products, storage solutions, professional organizer, frequent donations to clear out your house of unnecessary clutter.


The number one key to happiness is being thankful. Being appreciative and grateful for what is in your life already is an extraordinary self-care practice.

Self-Care To Do’s:   Keep a gratitude journal, gratitude app, thank your loved ones consistently for their support.

Restore Your Energy

Making sure you have enough rest is a necessary part of life. Sleep helps you to recover and heal. It is not natural to only have a few hours of sleep per night. It will eventually be detrimental to your body. Not enough rest will make you cranky and negative also. Who wants to be around that! Whatever it takes try to create a sleep routine to follow.

Self-Care To Do’s:  Try essential oils to unwind, see a doctor if you have problems with sleep, enjoy a quick nap when possible, take a break from electronics before bed, use sleep apps.

Eat Healthy & Exercise

By now most people realize that eating a healthier diet is beneficial.  Enjoy your favorite treats in moderation. Too much-processed food will bring your energy levels down and increase stress.  Also, scheduling time for physical activity is an essential part of any self-care routine.

Self-Care To Do’s:  30 minutes of movement daily, stretching routine, meal planning service, nutritionist, use a food tracking app.

self care gifts

Create a Self-Care Routine Today

Now that you have some info on creating a realistic self-care routine – get to it! Let me know if you need any help. Take one step at a time.  Life is too short to not be living your best life!

You may enjoy some of my other posts about self-care…

10 Favorite Self-Care Practices

30 Helpful Apps to Add to Your Self Care Plan

Achievable Health: 5 Simple Ways to Maintain Your Health

15 Ways to Promote a Refreshing Night of Sleep

Plus Many More resources can be found in the Blog Post Library!

self-care and stress solutions


Jill DeMasi

Jill DeMasi is a Lifestyle Blogger, Licensed Massage Therapist, and a Certified Wellness Coach. She has a passion for helping others manage stress, chronic pain, and anxiety. Learn more about her journey and wellness practice that offers natural solutions to stress at

Subscribe to my Lifestyle Blog!


Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general education purposes only. It is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical conditions. Check with your health practitioner before making diet and lifestyle changes.


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  1. I do many of these things already, but there are definitely some ideas I could grasp onto–especially as we’re coming into this holiday season!

  2. This post is great for this time of year. So many people get stressed or sick over the holidays and I think it’s because they don’t take care of themselves-inside and out. These tips are also good for people preparing New Years resolutions.

  3. Love self-care it is so important. I sometimes overlook sleep as self-care. Probably should be top of my list. Great advice.

  4. Awesome tips for self-care! Thank you for sharing!

  5. All great suggestions and I incorporate a lot of these in my life already, but making it an intentional routine is a terrific idea!

  6. Elaina

    This I need to do more of. I realized how much I hold my emotions in and then it’s a trickle down effect on myself psychically and then the rest of the family feels on edge around me. I have found eating better has helped my overall mood too.

  7. Bonnie

    I sometimes have to remind myself to practice self care. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day things that need to be done and not take care of yourself.

  8. This is a great list and I do pretty much all of them. I just finished cleaning my office and chuckled at your comment about stress when your “work environment” is messy. Its much easier for me to come into my office and it doesn’t completely take over my house! Thanks for the reminders and the affirmation.

  9. Great suggestions. I particularly enjoyed the part on stress management. All too often we forget about that when we think of self-care.

  10. Lisa Manderino

    This are all perfect things to think about. Sometimes I forget how much I need to take care of myself!

  11. Self-care is so important. I love that we’re finally seeing this expressed more & more. Great list <3

  12. Sabrina

    Love this list. Gratitude and rest are key for me. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Tiffany Smith

    I am starting to form good nutrition and workout habits, but I really have to work on the sleep!

  14. Suz

    Thank you – I should pay more attention to all of these things.

  15. Marianne

    There are many great suggestions here! I try my hardest to take care of myself, but i do admit, a lot of the time the kids needs take over, and the end of the week comes and I’m exhausted. I’m definitely a work in progress!

    • Thanks, Marianne! Kids definitely make it tougher to find time for yourself. Just a few minutes a day maybe after they go to sleep 🙂

  16. Sandi Barrett

    Self care has been tough this year. I’m looking forward to seeing my acupuncturist again soon. Thanks for the reminder.

  17. Stephanie Veach

    Definitely needed this. I recently became a stay at home mom and remembering to de-stress daily and take time for myself is something I didn’t know how badly I needed it

  18. These are all great assessment to remind us all!

  19. Great list! Self care and stress management are so important. We all get so caught up in everything we have to do that it can be hard to focus on what we need to do for ourselves.

  20. Suzan

    Great reminders. I will be my best Self when I take care of myself first in all ways.

  21. Cindy Moore

    Great ideas! Self care is such an important part of overall wellness I think! I use Sunday afternoons for self care.

  22. Excellent tips! I love the idea of cleansing.

  23. Great tips – I do a few of these things, but need to try the others. I agree – stress can have a tremendous effect on your body!

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